Memorable Domain Names


        There are a few domains that most anyone would be familiar with.  Stop and think of two or three that you know because you have seen them advertised somewhere.  Are they short? What is the longest name you can think of that someone else would know if you told them of it.

        When I ask someone to name a dotcom name, the name that almost always pops up is  Keep in mind that Amazon spent well over $10 million to brand that name. Chances are that any name that you remember has had massive advertising, or is a company name that you know or is very descriptive of the business in mind.

        Like, a memorable name may or may not have anything to do with what you sell.  Memorable and catchy domains are very closely related. They both require advertising to let people know that you are open for business.

        Once you get your name known, it is wise to make many business alliances and trade banners and advertisements.  This will help to ensure that nobody forgets your name forcing you to pay for a public advertising theme again.