What are Search Engines


       A search engine is an on-line software program that keeps a list of websites that have been registered with it. In order to be included in a search engines list, you must register with them.  Some search engines have spiders that wander the Internet looking for well designed websites to put in their listings.

        When you enter a couple of words for a search, they look up any websites that have the keywords listed that you have entered. There are many ways that they sort the pages you are looking for, here is a list of some of the methods I have learned about.


By Title


By Meta-tags


By Description


By Content of the first page


By Content of the entire site


By charging website owners for better rankings

        When you build a website, you install something called Metatags into the main page of your website. These are hidden keywords within your main page. Nobody sees them except the search engines. They are specifically designed for search engines.

        Any site can put in any keywords that they choose whether they are relevant to their site or not. For instance, if I have a site that sells cars, I could put in keywords like sex, adult, pokeman, star trek, toys and others just to cause my website to come up in the search engine when a search is done for those words.  This tactic is most often used by adult websites and Internet Service Providers.

        It can be very frustrating for those of us who are looking for something specific and we keep getting garbage websites that have nothing to do with what we are looking for. This is the reason that search engines change the way they search for things very often. It also means that we all have to figure out how they are doing their searches so we can re-register our websites with them and get them found.

        This leads to the reason that domains are becoming so popular. When it is so hard to find something in a search engine, it is sometimes easier to guess at a name that would be held by the website we are looking for. Thus, we can just type in something in the URL bar and hope that we come up with what we are looking for.  Some examples for my own screw machine business are:

















        Because the Internet is filling up so fast with new websites, search engines are going to get further bogged down with irrelevant websites registered. For this reason, search engines of the future will likely place a large relevance of a website’s ranking on whether the keywords are located within the domain name, some already do.

        This is why it is so important to know how to pick domain names for the website that you are going to build. The idea is to select a name that is either easy to remember, brings your website up in ranking with the search engines or is easy to guess by deduction.

        This leads us to the purpose of this book!!



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