Methods of Selecting Domain Names


        I have discovered 5 main methods of selecting a domain name. Some methods are better for some types of businesses and some are better for others. Almost certainly, any business should have more than one domain by which customers may find their site. Each domain acts as an entrance or portal to transport to your business. The more entrances you have, the more types of sales approaches you can use.

        You may have heard it said that all of the good names are taken. Don’t Believe It!!! Although almost all of the one word domains are taken, there are still many names that come as two word combinations that have not been found, though most of the decent two-word domains are quickly disappearing in Dotcom.

        It has been said that the shortest names are the best. Don’t believe that either!!! A pair or even three words that many might search for through a search engine will work just fine. The point to one word domains is that they are easier to remember when seen in a magazine, newspaper or television ad. Many will still plug in two or more words into the URL box to see if they come up with a website, or if it takes three words to describe your business, then that is the name to have.

        As more time passes, we are all seeing many 2 word domains being advertised everywhere.  Sometimes, being more descriptive with your domain will be better.  I recently saw a domain called  Since everything in the world seems to have components, this word may be too broad to have a good use for it.  A better domain might be or


Your Company Name

Catchy Phrases

Memorable Domain Names

Keyword Domain Names

Long Domain Names